Tuesday, May 28, 2002

What Are the Benefits of Balancing a Budget?

What Are the Benefits of Balancing a Budget?

There are many benefits to establishing and balancing a budget. The first step is to create your budget and you should have every dollar accounted for. General categories should include: household, food, entertainment, kids expenses, medical, savings and every other area where you spend money. Once your budget is made and you start to follow it, you will find many benefits.

Have a Plan

    Having a budget means you have a plan. Your budget tells you where every dollar should be spent. A budget can be adjusted as needed to help meet your needs but should be followed as closely as possible. You should be able to look at your budget at the beginning of the month, week or day and know how much money you have to spend in each of your categories. When you know you have a specific amount to spend on a specific item, it is much easier to stay within the boundaries of your budget.

See Where Money Goes

    Having a budget makes you realize how much money is being spent in specific categories. You may not realize how much your morning coffee or lunch adds up to over the course of a week or month. Seeing these figures in black and white can often create a stark reality for people.


    Adjustments can be made in your budget as you see where there are areas of waste. Can you spend less on luxury items to increase your savings? Constantly reviewing your budget for areas where things can be tightened up is important. Your goal should be to reduce needless spending, pay down other bills or increase the amount in your savings accounts. Without a budget, it is difficult to know where your money is being spent, and how much is being spent on what. A budget creates awareness that can lead to multiple life changes.


    When you have a budget and stick to it, it is easier to save money. Without a budget, money is often spent, and you are left wondering where it went. The budget can help you set goals for the money you save.


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