Sunday, June 23, 2002

How to Approach Negotiating Credit Card Debt

How to Approach Negotiating Credit Card Debt

Dealing with credit card debt can be a scary process. However, if you remain firm and are able to face the situation, you will generate much better results than if you are timid and don't try negotiating credit card debt.



    Dealing with credit card debt can be a scary process. However, if you remain firm and are able to face the situation, you will generate much better results than if you are timid and don't try negotiating credit card debt.


    Make a list of all of your credit card debt. Creating a list of what you owe will help you to develop a strategy for dealing with that debt.


    Call the creditor or collection agency that holds the card that is in most need of being paid off. This will either be the highest interest rate or balance or the oldest collection account.


    Negotiate with them to figure out what your options are. Don't act like you have money to pay off the debt in full, because that will eliminate any leverage that you have. Tell them you don't have much to work with and that you want to see if you can settle the account.


    Contact the next company if the first creditor isn't willing to negotiate or after you have paid off that card. Always pay off the ones that you are able to negotiate first because you might not get that chance again.


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