Sunday, April 17, 2005

Debt Recovery Rules

Debt Recovery Rules

If you have found yourself overwhelmed by debt, you may have taken the necessary steps to get your debt under control and start on the road to recovery. Debt recovery requires willpower and the dedication to want to work to break the old spending habits that got you into trouble in the first place. By following some debt recovery rules, you can find yourself on the way to financial recovery.

Use Credit Cards Sparingly

    Bad spending habits are one cause of debt problems, and during the debt recovery it can be tempting to stop using credit cards completely. According to Bankrate, you should use your credit cards but only on a limited basis. Part of debt recovery is rebuilding your credit, and a key component to rebuilding credit is using your existing credit cards. Limit yourself to only spending as much as you can pay off in a month. It will require willpower, but this is a necessary step in rebuilding your credit score.

Develop a Budget

    You can help yourself during debt recovery by making sure that you do not spend more money that you bring in. Get your bills together and write them down, and then add them up to get an idea of how much your total bills are per month. Then compare that to your income, and allow yourself enough for making monthly purchases such as food and gasoline. Limit your entertainment and extra spending budget to fit in with your overall budget. By following a budget you can continue to bring your debt down, and you can also start putting money away in savings each month.

Pay Bills Efficiently

    Paying bills efficiently means paying them on or before the due dates, or taking responsibility for late payments. One component of fixing your credit score during debt recovery is to make sure you pay your bills on time. If you cannot pay your bills on or before they are due, then call your creditor to keep the company updated on the situation and that includes giving a date when you will pay that overdue bill.

Set Goals

    Debt recovery can seem like an ongoing process unless you set goals for yourself. For example, if you have a consolidation loan to pay off high interest credit card debt, then make paying that loan off a priority. Once that is paid off, set your sights on getting rid of other debt. List all of your debt recovery goals on a piece of paper, and then cross them off when you have completed them. When you have reached all of your goals, celebrate your hard work. When there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it makes the journey much easier.


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