Monday, March 30, 2009

What is the Responsible Debt Relief Algorithm?

The Debt Relief Algorithm is a formula designed to analyze a household's income-to-debt ratio and lead the household to the best solution to its debts.

Robert Manning

    Robert Manning invented the Responsible Debt Relief Algorithm as part of the InCharge Debt Solutions program that he is involved with. Manning is a former research professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

What the Algorithm does

    The algorithm is designed to analyze a household's debt and income, and then recommend a repayment plan so the household can eventually be free of debt. Generally the program is formulated so that the debt will be paid off in three to five years.

Software Program

    The algorithm has been converted into a computer program so that almost anyone can utilize the technology. The Responsible Debt Relief software breaks down the debt repayment into one of three possible outcomes.

Possible Outcomes

    One of three possible outcomes is recommended depending on the ratio of household debt to household income. These options are partial repayment, bankruptcy, and full repayment.


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