Sunday, October 24, 2010

How to Donate Eggs for Money in Chicago

Fertility clinics in Chicago, and throughout the United States, that offer in vitro fertilization (IVF) typically pay healthy donors for their eggs. The Cash For Donating website lists the payment range between $5,000 and $15,000. According to Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago, the compensation for being an egg donor at their location in Chicago is $7,000 as of October 2010. Not just anyone can be an egg donor because there are certain qualifications that must be met.



    Evaluate yourself to make sure that you meet the qualifications to be an egg donor in Chicago. Requirements from Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago including being a non-smoker between the ages of 20 and 29, having a body mass index under 30 and live within 40 miles of their clinic. Requirements can vary between the different egg donation clinics.


    Use the IHR website to identify egg donation clinics in Chicago. You can use the contact details on that page to contact the clinic to let them know your interest and to schedule an initial appointment.


    Visit the clinic for your initial appointment. At this appointment, you will need to undergo medical tests, such as blood tests and a psychological test, and provide a full medical history. If approved for egg donation, you will be given a medication that will temporarily stop your menstrual cycle, as well as medication that produces multiple eggs in one cycle. You will be given a follow-up appointment for the harvesting of the eggs.


    Arrive at the clinic on the scheduled day and time for the harvesting of the eggs. This minor outpatient procedure typically takes around 30 minutes. You should bring someone to drive you home. After the procedure, you may be placed on restricted activity for three to five days for recovery. Once the harvesting is complete, you will be paid your donor fee.


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