Friday, January 14, 2011

How to Calculate Invoice Due Dates

Calculate invoice due dates correctly to save money and to maintain or improve your credit rating. Some companies offer percentage discounts to customers who pay an invoice within 5 or 10 days from billing. Printed somewhere on the invoice you may see 2%10/net 30. If you pay this invoice within 10 days, you may take off 2 percent from the total invoice. If you pay within 30 days, you must pay the stated balance. Paying an invoice past the due date may result in penalties.



    Look for the date on the invoice. This is the date the invoice was generated, or printed at the company, not the date you received the invoice.


    Add the number of days indicated on the invoice to the date it was printed. For example, if your invoice says net 30, then you have 30 days to pay the balance. If the invoice date is the first (1) then add 30 days to that.


    Subtract 1 day from the total. For example, your invoice due date that says net 30 and was printed on the first, would be 1 + 30 - 1 = 30. Therefore, your invoice is due on 30th of the month. To take advantage of a 2-percent discount if paid within 10 days, use a similar calculation 1 + 10 - 1 = 10. You must pay the invoice by the 10th to take off the 2-percent discount from the total.


    Allow mail-handling time if paying your invoice by check. You will need to mail your payment several days before the due date.


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