Thursday, October 20, 2011

How to Relieve Credit Card Debt

Facing your debt and acknowledging the mistakes you've made is key to relieving or paying off credit card debt. Credit cards make it easy to attain material possessions. When short on cash, having a credit card is extremely useful during emergency situations. But oftentimes, lack of self control may motivate you to satisfy every want, wherein you use a credit card for frivolous spending. Fortunately, there are ways to conquer debt and relieve financial burdens.



    Give yourself a realistic time frame to pay off debt. Set goals to help you become debt-free faster. For example, if you owe $2,000 in credit card debt, determine how much you can afford to spend on your debts each month and, based on this number, give yourself a payoff date.


    Stop shopping alone. Talk to a trusted friend or relative and ask them to assist your effort to eliminate debt. Give this person possession of your credit cards and ask them to accompany you when shopping. They can encourage you to stop spending and offer reminders.


    Get rid of your credit cards. Physically damage credit cards by cutting them in half to control unnecessary spending.


    Pay more than the recommended minimum. The minimum payment on your credit card may only pay off the new interest charges for the month. Make higher payments to see a significant drop in your balance.


    Search for ways to bring in extra income. Increase your monthly income to relieve credit card debt fast. Offer to mow lawns in your neighborhood, tutor neighborhood kids, work part time during the evenings or sell personal belongings.


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