Sunday, January 8, 2012

How Much Would an Editorial Assistant Make?

How Much Would an Editorial Assistant Make?

Many people dream of a fast-paced life of comfort as an author. The truth is, publishing requires a lot of grunt work. When getting established, it is common for writers to take a position as an editorial assistant. If you have lofty dreams of being a writer, it's time to come back down to earth. Knowing what an editorial assistant earns can be a real reality check.


    A wide array of factors influence editorial assistant salaries. These include your location, education level, experience and what part of the country you live in. Individual companies also vary greatly in what they offer employees. According to, these variables can account for a difference of almost $10,000 between one position and another. In general, bigger firms, larger cities and more experience mean higher rates of pay.


    Editorial assistant salaries range between around $21,000 and $40,000 annually, as of 2011. Many editorial assistants, particularly entry-level ones, receive payment by the hour. This hovers between $14 and $16 per hour.


    The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects growth of eight percent between 2008 and 2018 in the world of writing and editing. The bureau considers this growth rate comparable to other fields. Tough competition exists for editorial assistant jobs, however, as many people want to get into publishing. Those comfortable working with new media and digital formats have the best prospects. Learning as many digital tools as possible for writing and editing will greatly increase your chances of employment.

Perks and Promotions

    Though the pay is not spectacular, editorial assistants often receive a number of perks. Many workplaces allow the lowest-paid employees have first access to "swag," or promotional materials given away to publications. Further, editorial assistants usually don't stay editorial assistants forever. While some move up to become merely senior editorial assistants, it is common for editorial assistants who tough it out to become staff writers and editors.


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