Saturday, April 21, 2012

How to Pay a HECS Debt

HECS stands for Higher Education Contribution Scheme and is administered by the Australian Government. As a HECS participant, you are responsible for a small portion of your student payments, and the rest is paid by the government. Once your income has reached a certain level, payments become required. These required payments are made through your income tax assessments or through wage garnishment. You can also make voluntary payments, which are made to the Tax Office.



    Go to the Australian Taxation Office website. (see Resources)


    Look for the "Make a Payment" link under the "What do you want to do?" section of the menu on the left hand side.


    Click the "How to Pay" link on the next page.


    Choose the payment option that is right for you. You can pay from a checking or bank account through BPAY, pay by credit card, direct credit though the Reserve Bank of Australia, direct debit or pay by cash, EFTPOS or check at an Australian post office. Overseas options include only BPAY, direct credit through the Reserve Bank of Australia, or mail a payment.


    Follow the instructions under the payment method that you chose.


    Mail your payment if the above options do not work for you. Residents of WA, SA, NT, TAS and VIC and overseas debtors should send their payment to:

    Australian Taxation Office
    Locked Bag 1936
    Albury NSW 1936

    Residents of NSW, ACT and QLD should mail their payment to:

    Australian Taxation Office
    Locked Bag 1793
    Penrith NSW 1793

    Be sure to include your name, address, phone number and tax file number.


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