Monday, May 6, 2013

How to Remove a Credit Dispute

How to Remove a Credit Dispute

Your credit report is important. The data that credit agencies hold on you will determine whether you get a loan or a mortgage. Check your credit report at least once a year or if a bank or mortgage broker denies you credit. If you are in dispute with a credit card or loan company this will show on your credit reports and needs to be removed.




    Get copies of your credit reports from Equifax, Experian and and TransUnion. Request the free copy of each report every 12 months as you are entitled to do, according to the Federal Trade Commission. Check for any errors or disputes over a debt that should not be there.


    Highlight items in letters and on statements.


    Write a letter. Use the same letter for each of the credit agencies but change the names and any amounts and details that might differ between reports. Note each disputed entry. Tell the agencies why you dispute the entries and ask to have them removed. Include copies of any letters or statements that uphold your argument. Never send original documents.


    Send the letters to the credit agencies by certified mail requesting a return receipt. Keep copies of all the letters and documents you send. The credit agencies will investigate your claims and, if they are found valid, you will receive letters from the agencies and a copies of your reports with the disputed items removed.


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