Thursday, August 15, 2002

Financial Debt Management Planning

Debt management is something that can help you get control of your finances and make your life easier. In order to organize your debt, you need to have a financial plan. You can formulate your own financial debt management plan, or there are organizations that can help you.

Start as Soon as You Can

    Debt management is something that you will be doing your entire adult life, and the sooner you start to put plans in place, the easier it will be in your later years. Begin a retirement plan as soon as you start working, and stay with it throughout your working years. Younger people in their early twenties sometimes fail to see the importance of long-term planning, but in order to conquer debt, you must plan for it at every phase of your life. Proper retirement planning early in life can help to set up retirement plans that defer taxes and help you avoid other debt pitfalls that may otherwise occur if you fail to plan. It also helps to get used to developing a personal budget that has a savings plan involved in it at a young age. Many times throughout your adult life, you will turn to your savings to help you out of debt, and if you plan and begin saving at an early age, you will have the resources to deal with the events that happen later in life, such as the addition of children to your family and all of their needs as they grow up.

Choosing the Right Debt Management Planner

    According to the Federal Trade Commission, it is a good idea to ask questions of a credit counselor before you begin formulating a debt management plan with them. When you begin to talk to credit counselors, ask them about the services they offer and how they feel their services can best help you in your situation. Make notes of what they say, and then compare what they said to what you feel your situation may be. Ask the counselor if they are properly licensed to work as a financial consultant in your state. Ask about contractual agreements that the counselor may have you enter into and what kinds of fees will be involved with those agreements. The fee structure for counselors will vary, so always ask for a hard copy outline of the fees they charge. Ask the counselor what their policy is on keeping your personal information private and how they protect your important financial information from thieves. Before you take on a debt management planner, you are entitled to know everything you need to know about how they do business and how they intend to help you.


    One of the quickest ways to create debt is through the use of credit. When you do your debt management planning, always set aside money each month to take care of your obligations and allow for entertainment spending as well. Set your limits and then stay within those limits. Having a credit account as a back-up source of funding is practical but only if you limit your use of that account to emergency situations. If you do not have the cash, then you do not need to make the purchase.


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