Wednesday, October 1, 2003

How to Organize your Bills Effectively

How to Organize your Bills Effectively

Organizing your bills can save you time, energy, money and stress. Bill paying does not have to be a challenging task, as long as you have the right tools to help you do it properly. Organization is essential in tracking what bills you have paid and paying future bills on time. Not paying on time can lead to expensive late fees and negative points on your credit report.



    Organize your bills as soon as they come in the mail. Purchase a mail organizer or expandable file to help you sort through the bills, and label each section according to the date you must pay. Put the bills that have to be dealt with immediately in the front of the mail organizer, and arrange those that have a couple of weeks to spare in the back. Keep other types of mail separate from the bills.


    Use a calendar to write down the due date of each bill is due and the minimum payment amount. As you pay these, be sure to mark them "PAID."


    Keep a separate box specifically designed to help pay your bills. In it, you should have payment envelopes or blank security envelopes, postage stamps, your checkbook, a pen and a small notebook. Starting with the most important bills, make out the check and address the envelope. You can make a record of payment in your notebook.


    Place the bill or statement in a "Paid" folder as you pay each bill. You can even hand write the date paid on it, including the check number. If you paid your bills online, write down the confirmation number as record of your payment.


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