There are several agencies in San Diego that can help with everything from budgeting to foreclosure prevention. Many of the services are free, but if the agencies take over management and payment of unsecured debt, there is usually a small fee. MSN Money recommends consumers find their agencies through the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counselors or the National Federation for Credit Counseling.
Springboard Non-Profit Consumer Credit Management
Springboard Non-Profit Consumer Credit Management has appointments by phone, in person or online (see Resources). Counseling is free. If the customer decides to create a debt management plan, the cost is 8 percent of the money dealt with or $35, whichever is less. There is a $50 setup fee for debt management plans. The agency also does reverse mortgage and housing delinquency counseling for free. The agency has an A-plus rating from the Better Business Bureau. It is a member of the NFCC and the AICCA.
Money Management International
This business is listed as Consumer Credit Counseling Services, doing business as Money Management International.(see Resources). It also has an A-plus rating from the Better Business Bureau. It does free counseling on the phone, by Internet or in person. Debt management plan fees are $35 maximum, with a $50 setup fee. The agency advertises help with foreclosure prevention among its services. It is a member of the NFCC and the AICCCA.
Novadebt, affiliated with Garden State Consumer Credit Counseling, is a nonprofit consumer credit counseling service that provides free counseling (see Resources). Neither the agency nor the Association of Consumer Credit Counseling, with which it is affiliated, advertise fees for debt management plans or other services. The agency has an A-plus Better Business Bureau rating and does counseling over the phone, in person and via Internet. The agency also offers a personal financial program, which is separate from one-time counseling or debt management, in which the agency coaches customers through their financial recovery plan.
Debtwave offers free credit counseling as well as foreclosure prevention counseling and debt management plans (see Resources). The company does not advertise its fees. Debtwave is accredited by the Better Business Bureau and is a member of the National Association of Certified Credit Counselors and the American Association of Debt Management Organizations.