Experian is one of the three major credit reporting agencies in the world, and there may be several reasons why you may want to contact them. In order to correct any inaccuracies in your credit report with closed accounts, dispute accounts, correct personal information or clean up any other part of your credit report, it is more efficient to get it done directly through Experian rather than trying to work through the creditor directly.
Contacting Experian
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The first place that credit consumers in the United States should look for information regarding their credit is the Experian website found at Experian.com. At the website a consumer can order a credit report, dispute a credit report entry and request changes to be made to their personal information or personal history. There is an online dispute form and an area where a consumer can place a credit watch on their account to help fight identity theft.
2Initial contact with Experian through their website saves time and is convenient. Many consumers prefer to follow up with Experian via the telephone. The general toll-free number for credit consumers based in the United States is (888) 397-3742. When contacting Experian by phone, have your Social Security number ready and any paperwork you will need to discuss in front of you. Make notes on who you spoke with and what was discussed. In order to speak to a representative, you must already have an Experian credit report number that would appear on the credit report you ordered. A consumer credit representative is on hand 24 hours a day. Businesses can call in disputes from 8 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday PST. Business technical support is available by phone Monday through Friday from 4 a.m. to 7 p.m. PST, and on Saturday from 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. PST.
3Experian has offices in more than 40 countries throughout the world. To find the phone number and address for an office in a foreign country, just visit Experianplc.com. Any international customer can contact the world headquarters located in the United States at the toll-free number mentioned previously, but for local service it may be more beneficial to contact a local office.
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