Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Best Ways to Improve Credit: Revolving Lines of Credit

Improving your credit file can help you get approved for financing easily and save money on it once you do. You could use many techniques to help boost your credit score, but focusing on your revolving credit lines can be extremely beneficial to the process.

Revolving Credit Lines

    Debt is actually broken up into several different types, including installment loans, mortgage loans and revolving debt. Revolving debt is essentially a term for credit cards or similar accounts. With this type of debt, your balance can increase or decrease by the month. You are responsible for making a minimum monthly payment on your revolving debt. An example of installment debt would be paying a car loan, while mortgage debt is associated with paying your home loan.

Paying Down Balances

    One of the quickest ways to boost your credit score is to pay down the balances on your revolving debt. When you carry maxed out balances on your credit card, it will negatively affect your credit score. If you want to boost your credit score, you need to get the balances on your credit cards down to below 30 percent of their available credit limit. If you can do this, it reflects positively on you when your credit score is calculated.

Making Payments

    You can also use your revolving credit accounts to help boost your score by making your payments on time. The most important aspect of calculating your credit score involves the timeliness of your payments. Your credit card companies will report each payment to the credit bureaus and if you make them all on time, this will eventually boost your credit score. If you miss even one payment, it can hurt your credit significantly in a short amount of time.

Regular Use

    Regularly using your revolving credit accounts can also help boost your credit score. Many people mistakenly believe that they should not use their credit cards if they want to help their credit score. While you do not want to accumulate a large balance on your credit cards, regular light use can be extremely beneficial. If you make a small purchase with your card every month and then pay off the balance in full, it will increase your score.


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