Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Strategy to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Strategy to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Credit card debt can induce stress and wreak havoc on your finances. But fortunately, you don't have to live with high outstanding balances. There are effective strategies to help get rid of debts and improve your credit rating.

Effects of Higher Payments

    Increasing your minimum monthly payments by $50 or more can reduce your principal faster. Some people get into a routine of only paying the minimum. Minimum payments are often applied to new interest charges only. To reduce the balance, you have to submit higher payments.

Consider Cutting Back

    Reducing your expenses is another effective strategy for getting rid of credit card debt. Often, debtors don't have enough cash to pay their debts because they spend their disposable income on non-essentials. Evaluate your personal finances and look for areas to cut back. For example, shop less, eat at home instead of dining out or generate extra cash with a part-time job.

Benefits of Destroying Credit Cards

    Resolving to buy things with cash can only help reduce credit card debt and puts you on the path toward being debt-free. Continue to make higher payments and use your extra income to reduce your balances. Additionally, keep credit cards out of reach--you can cut them in half--and only buy items when you have cash.


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