Monday, December 2, 2002

Why Do I Have to Pay for My Credit Score?

There are three major credit reporting agencies. These are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. When applying for a loan, a service to be connected (such as a phone), or almost anything else that requires regular payment, your credit history will be checked through one or more of these reports.

You do not have to pay

    It's a misconception that you have to pay for your credit report. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you are guaranteed free access to your credit report on an annual basis. The Federal Trade Commission operates a can give you this free access to your report from all three credit bureaus.

Do not be fooled

    Some websites such as claim to give free reports. The reports are not actually free because you are charged a monthly fee for access to your report. is the only truly free credit reporting site.

It is all about the money

    Sites like are frequently operated by one of the three big credit bureaus. They do this as another source of revenue.

Use the free option

    Be sure to take advantage of Avoid any other site that claims to be free.

Why you should check your credit report

    Checking your credit report annually is important. Mistakes have been known to happen and these can cause higher interest rates on loans you currently have or even rejection for those you are applying for. Regularly checking your report might also reveal any instance of identity theft as well.


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