Sunday, May 27, 2012

How to Ask an Insurance Company to Settle

Asking an insurance company to settle a claim requires some preparation. You are at a disadvantage because the insurance company has broad experience in settling claims, while you may be doing this for the first time. To successfully negotiate you must carefully research the facts of the case as you prepare a formal, written document. Negotiating in writing creates a paper trail and prevents you from being intimidated over the phone by an experience claims adjuster. The process for settling is the same no matter what type of claim you have. You may have been involved in an automobile accident or hurt yourself slipping on a wet spot in a store. Whatever your claim the goal is to create a convincing argument for being paid the amount you want for your losses or damages.



    Gather as much documentation as possible. Examples include medical bills, notes from doctors, police reports and pictures of the accident scene if you are filing a claim for an automobile accident. Also document any loss of income resulting from the accident. For a homeowner's insurance claim make a complete list of all items taken in a burglary along with the approximate fair market value. If you hurt yourself on a fall inside a store make notes on paper about the accident, including why you feel the store was at fault for your injury.


    Write a demand letter. Legal website reports that demand letters are used to request payment from insurance companies to settle a claim. Start the letter by describing what happened and why you are seeking damages. In a car accident use your research and documentation to make a case for being paid for all damages you sustained.. Use the police report to describe what happened, supported by your own recollection of the accident. Do not take responsibility at all for what happened, no matter what type of insurance case this is. Admitting fault reduces your leverage and negotiating position.


    Demand a specific sum of money in the last paragraph of your demand letter as total compensation for damages.The total compensation could income payment for lost income, pain, suffering and other losses in an accident case. recommends that you demand to be paid 75 percent to 100 percent more than what you think your claim is really worth based on your research. That provides you with some negotiating room with the insurance company as you reach a settlement.


    Send the demand letter to the insurance company via certified mail with return receipt requested. The letter should be sent to the claims adjuster assigned to the case. Call the insurance company and ask for the name and address assigned to your case, if necessary.


    Negotiate with the insurance company if it responds with an offer less than what you were seeking. Continue the discussions by mail. With each letter continue to emphasize the extent of your damages or losses. Refuse to settle for an amount that is less than you consider fair.


    Consult with an attorney if you are unable to reach a settlement on your own.


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