Numerous money-making advertisements and websites will offer to tell you your credit score, but they often require that you provide your credit card details in order to fulfill this service. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) includes legislation to ensure that you can access your credit report and credit score at least once every 12 months without charge, and more frequently under certain specific circumstances. There are several ways you can find out your credit score fast, free and without giving out credit card information.
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Call the number or visit the website for Annual Credit Report Request Service. The Federal Trade Commission uses this company's services exclusively to ensure that consumers have access to all three credit bureaus' reports and your score at least once a year, free of charge, in accordance with with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Annual Credit Report Request Service
P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta, GA 30348-5281
2Fill out an application for a car, home or personal loan if you are confident you will be denied. Upon denial, the bank that the lender used is required by federal law to mail a letter to you explaining the results. This letter will contain instructions on how to obtain the credit information that was used in consideration of the lender's decision, including credit report and score, without paying any fees.
3Contact any or all of the three major credit reporting bureaus and simply request a free copy of your credit report any time. If you live in Colorado, Vermont, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine or New Jersey, you may request a copy more than once per year. These states' laws mandate that access to credit reports will be free at all times.
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