Monday, September 2, 2002

How to Write a Letter to a Credit Card Company

Communicating with your credit card company by writing a letter could resolve a problem -- or even help you qualify for special perks and consideration such as a lower interest rate or the waiver of an annual fee. The card company's customer service department will respond to your letter with a letter of its own, and that will create a paper trail for your correspondence. Your letter should be businesslike and to the point as you explain why you are writing.



    Gather your billing statements as you prepare to write your letter. The statements will include the card company's address and may list a special address for customer service inquiries. Or call the credit card company to find out where to mail your letter.


    Refer to your billing statements, if necessary, as you write your letter. Point out the length of your relationship with the credit card company if you're writing to request a lower interest rate. Point to your good payment history -- if that is true -- while asking for an interest rate that is more competitive with other rates you have seen in the marketplace.


    Include documentation with your letter if you are writing with a complaint. For example, the card company may have applied your payment after the due date, charging you a late fee. Yet you have a canceled check showing the card company processed the payment well before the due date. In that case include a copy of the canceled check with the letter.


    Offer details about your financial situation if you are writing to ask for lower payments while you work though a hardship. List all your debts and income and specify the length of time you would like lower payments. Or inform the company that you cannot continue to pay your account as agreed and would like to settle the account by paying less than the full balance -- a common practice called debt settlement.


    Mail your letter to the credit card company and allow a few weeks for a response.


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