Saturday, November 26, 2005

Jobs to Get Out of Debt

Jobs to Get Out of Debt

When you have accumulated a lot of debt you may need to increase your income to pay off the debt more quickly. Depending on the amount of debt you have you may need to take a two-step approach, finding a temporary second part-time job and finding a new job that will earn you more money. Before looking for jobs, have a budget in place and stop using your credit cards to make your hard work pay off.

Part-time Jobs

    A part-time job that you work around your current job can provide the extra income boost you need to get out of debt. Look for a job that will make working worth your time. For example pizza delivery drivers and waiters can earn tips in addition to their hourly wage, and will pay more than working at a fast food restaurant. Working as a tutor if you are qualified will allow you to make more per hour than you would in other areas.

Freelance Jobs

    Freelance jobs may offer more flexibility in working around your schedule, but they may not be as steady. Generally you are working for yourself and you will be responsible for finding your own work. However the rate of return may be much higher. For example working as a freelance tutor where you find your own clients will allow you to charge less than the tutoring companies do per hour, but you may more than double the amount you make per hour. If you have a specialized skill set in things such as accounting, public relations, writing or other work you can find clients who need someone to work for them part-time and who do not want to hire a company or a permanent employee.

Opening a Business

    Another option is to open a part-time at home business to supplement your income to get out of debt. Some of these jobs would include working as a consultant for companies like Pampered Chef, Avon or Mary Kay. The work generally takes place in the evenings and you can build a returning customer base after time. You may also open a weekend babysitting service you run from your home or do jobs like yard work or home cleaning on the weekends for other people.

Changing Jobs

    If you got into debt because you do not make enough money to cover your basic expenses then you will need to find a job that will. This may mean getting additional training or a degree so you can qualify for higher pay. Before making the decision you should research the fields that interest you to discover the amount you will earn in each field.


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