Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How to Apply for Charitable Help

Just about everyone needs help at some point in life. All it takes is one major illness or losing a job to throw finances into chaos and leave a household in a state of distress. Fortunately, there are often one or more charitable organizations in the area that can offer temporary assistance while you get back on your feet. Here are some ways to go about finding the help you need.



    Assess your current condition. This means taking a long hard look at what bills are currently due and how much money you have on hand. Make a list of things you need for the home, such as food and clothing. Putting it all down on paper will help you get a handle on exactly what you do and do not need to get by in the short term.


    Identify viable local organizations. There are some charities that help with food, while others help with paying pending or past due utilities. Still others will intervene with creditors to buy you time without charging you a cent. Using the list you compiled in Step 1, make a list of local charities that provide the various types of assistance you need.


    Make appointments with local charities. Usually, this can be arranged with a telephone call. Ask what type of documents or records you should bring along to the meeting and make sure to take them along. Keep in mind the documentation required may vary, depending on the operating structure of the charity.


    Be prepared to provide full disclosure about your current situation. Many people either try to minimize the extent of their problems, while others will blow them out of proportion. Provide all the factual information you possibly can and have documentation to back it up. Include details regarding the circumstances surrounding the nature of the medical emergency, or the loss of work due to layoffs, cutbacks or firings. Provide your current bank balances without having to be asked. Present copies of all current bills. Also make note of any changes in spending habits or cost cutting measures you have already implemented. Also be prepared to provide proof you are looking for work, if not incapaticated by illness. This will help demonstrate that you are making efforts to correct the situation.


    Dont become discouraged. Most charitable organizations have limited resources. You may have to visit several before finding one who is in a position to help you. Often, local charities network with one another, making it possible for one charity to refer you to another organization if they are unable to help you. It may take time, but there are usually resources somewhere to help people who are in dire need due to circumstances out of their control.


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