Friday, June 22, 2007

How to Get Personal Grants to Pay Off Debts

Paying off debt is an essential part to achieving financial freedom, but the process can be long and difficult. Debt relief does exist however, in the form of personal grants. While these grants can come from the US government or private lenders, those from the government are the easiest to locate. Here is how to both find and get personal grants to pay off debts.



    Gather records of your bills and debts. This can include medical bills, mortgage records, student loan payment statements, and work-related expenses.


    Search for personal grants at the government's website (link provided in the Resources section for your convenience) and at community, county, and state offices. The local library and hospital is also a good place to search. The best way to find non-government personal grants is to ask local businesses and charities. The search process can be painstaking but in order to get personal grants to pay off debts, these grants must first be found.


    Determine eligibility. Once you've compiled a list of available personal grants, compare the list to each of your bill and debt records to see which grants may help you pay off debt for that item. Write down these grants. If you're unsure as to whether you qualify for a particular grant based on your records, add it to the list anyway.


    Apply. Go through the list of grants that you feel you may be eligible for and complete the application process for each one. For the grants that you're unsure about with regards to eligibility, apply even if there is an application fee. Again, this may be time-consuming and tedious but your hard work will definitely pay off even if you get just one grant.


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