Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How to Get Personal Grants to Payoff Debts

How to Get Personal Grants to Payoff Debts

Learn how to get personal grants to pay off debts.

Have you ever wondered if there is truth to the ads offering to show you how to score personal grants to pay off debts?

Well, there are many internet promotions and television advertisements promising to provide you with a list of personal grants to pay off debts, however, you will find that most of these programs are scams.

The United States government is not in the business of paying your bills for you. On the other hand, the government does provide grants to qualified individuals and businesses to help stimulate the economy, make advances in agriculture, help children in low income communities and make technological advances in medicine among others.

Getting your hands on this free money takes more than a few phone calls and filling out paperwork. It takes persistence, the right information and preparation.

In this article, I will provide you with some easy steps to obtaining personal grants to pay off debts.



    The first step in completing the application process is to ensure that you have all of your personal information handy. This information would include your birth certificate, social security card, proof of residence, and tax returns for at least the past three years.

    You will also need any mortgage paperwork and the same information for anyone living in the same household. Providing a false statement carries the same penalties as perjury, so be honest and forthright when applying for personal grants to pay off debts.


    You would certainly be turned down if you were to personally visit a government agency to request money to pay your bills because frankly, these grants do not exist. The verbiage used by some advertisers is deceiving; however, you can apply to have individual items expensed by the government, not the whole bill. Gather all of your invoices that are in question and go through each item to see if it qualifies for government reimbursement after you have found the listing of available grants.


    There are many different ways to find the funds you want. Personal grants to pay off debts are usually operated by local state and county offices, so the list of funding options would be available at any of your local legislative offices.

    These list cost as little as $5 and are surprisingly informative. Please be mindful of the fine print as you might miss something very important by overlooking the details.


    Medical-related bills can be expensed as well. The best way to inquire funding options is to pay a visit to the hospital's patient liaison. Your state's Department of Health is also a great place to go to see if you qualify for Medicaid or Government-funded, low cost health insurance based on sliding scale fees.

    I highly recommend you do your research prior to paying any hospital fees because your resources are usually limited once you have already made payment.


    Personal grants to pay off debts are not limited to the examples listed above. There are also options for work uniform reimbursement and vocational trade programs through family services and the Department of Labor.

    Dependent expenses are also given in addition to tax deductions each year to help cover the cost of daycare, school supplies, food and other needs if you meet an specific income requirement.


    I hope you found this information insightful and are ready to claim your personal grants to pay off debts. Be educated and informed of all the programs that can help you minimize the pressure of daily expenditures.

    While you're here don't forget to take a look around for more information on grants.


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