Even with insurance, medical bills certainly add up. A variety of organizations assist those in medical debt. From government assistance to charities, these organizations offer those in debt a means of putting a dent in their growing pile of bills.
Examine Your Bills
Request and go through the itemized bill from the hospital or doctor's office. Bills commonly contain errors that you can have removed. If poring over your bill feels like an overwhelming task, hire a medical billing advocate---a professional who specializes in analyzing bills and negotiating with the hospital to ensure that it charges you fairly.
Request Hospital Financial Assistance
Contact the billing department at the hospital or doctor's office where you obtained the services, and inquire about financial assistance. Many hospitals have a budget or grant for this scenario and can provide you with a form to determine whether you qualify for aid. Keep in mind that hospitals will base your potential qualification upon your income and ability to pay.
Seek Government Aid
Visit www.ssa.gov to research the variety of government programs for certain groups of people. For example, Medicaid, or Title 19, targets low-income families and the disabled, the disabled and the elderly can qualify for Medicare. For nondisabled single adults who fall below the poverty line, State Administered General Assistance, or SAGA, provides assistance. Healthcare for Uninsured Kids and Youth, better known as HUSKY, offers insurance for anyone under the age of 19 and covers most medical services regardless of income.
Contact your local community and state governments, which may also offer additional programs for medical debt grants.
Debt Relief Agencies
If you cannot get assistance or reduce your debt, consolidate with a professional organization. Many companies will not only work to consolidate your debt but will negotiate your bills as well. Try companies such as Debt Relief USA (www.debtreliefusa.org) or Franklin Debt Relief (www.franklindebtrelief.com).
Charitable Organizations
Many charities offer assistance to those struggling with medical bills due to certain conditions. For example, Livestrong, the Lance Armstrong Foundation, provides grant programs to those living with cancer. Visit www.livestrong.org for more information.
Seek out organizations focused on your affliction and research any benefits or programs they offer to sufferers.