Friday, April 15, 2011

What Debt Consolidation and Elimination Can Mean for You

What Debt Consolidation and Elimination Can Mean for You

Debt can be accumulated quickly, but difficult to dissolve. Consumers can choose to use aggressive debt consolidation and elimination strategies to get rid of unwanted debt over a shorter duration than paying off each debt individually.

Debt Consolidation Loans

    A debt consolidation loan is either an unsecured personal loan or a loan that can be taken against a home as collateral. The money received from these loans is allocated to pay off all creditors for the borrower, allowing them to make one, equal monthly payment to the consolidation loan. This can eliminate interest payments and fees in comparison to having multiple credit card or personal loan accounts. Providing that the consumer doesn't begin charging up large amounts of debt on various credit cards after payoff, this option can help them eliminate debt and remain debt free.

Nonprofit Debt Consolidation

    There are numerous debt consolidation companies available for a consumer to select from; this is an option very unlike its debt consolidation loan counterpart. These nonprofit companies negotiate with creditors to lower or freeze interest rates and accounts, and pay off creditors. The consumer pays the debt consolidation company a single amount each month, out of which the company pays the creditors for them. Since interest rates and payments are reduced, the consumer is able to pay the debt off faster than using traditional methods.


    Debt consolidation companies will charge a consumer an added fee to take them on as a client and pay their bills. This will range from one company to another, and is normally added into the monthly payment. However, using these companies and having accounts frozen and subsequently closed on payoff can damage a consumer's credit.


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