If you have defaulted on a credit card account, you're probably concerned about the credit card company suing you. Although credit card companies generally attempt to negotiate with you before filing a lawsuit, it is better to prevent a suit than to settle one. If you have reason to believe that your creditor might sue you, you can take measures to stall the company and prevent a lawsuit.
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Make small monthly payments to show good faith if you recently started falling behind. Your creditor will probably continue to add late fees and interest, but it might stall legal proceedings.
2Make an offer lower than what you intend to settle for if your debt is six months old or older. Respond to any correspondence from your creditor promptly to buy yourself some time. Send a certified letter to your creditor. The company will likely make a counteroffer.
3Submit another offer if you receive a counteroffer, but keep it low. You may have to negotiate until you reach a settlement that you can afford. If your creditor responds to your offers, this could buy you several weeks, or even a month, to come up with the money.
4Include a letter with each offer. Assure your creditor each time that you sincerely want to take care of your debt. Mention in your letter that you would gladly pay the debt in full if your circumstances allowed you to do so. However, due to circumstances beyond your control, you would like to reach a settlement that is acceptable to both parties.
5Do not mail the settlement check until you receive the written agreement.
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