Friday, August 3, 2012

Does My Tax Preparer Deduct Money From My Return for a Bank?

Under U.S. law, most individuals who earn an income are required to file tax returns. Even people who do not owe money to the government in the form of income taxes but who make money are required to provide the government with an accounting of their tax burden. If you hire a tax preparer, he will usually not withdraw money from your account to pay taxes.

Tax Preparer

    Because the tax code is complicated and most people are not experts at filing taxes, many individuals, particularly individuals with complicated finances, will choose to hire a tax preparer to help them prepare their taxes. The tax preparers job is to go through your finances and determine how much money you owe the government. She will then help you fill out your tax forms.


    You may be allowed to claim a number of deductions on your tax return. "Deductions" refers to expenses or other amounts of money that can be deducted from your total taxable income. When you have less money to pay taxes on, you owe less in taxes. One of a tax preparers main jobs is to help you identify tax deductions for which you are qualified.

Paying Taxes

    When the tax preparer has filed your taxes, he can tell you how much money you owe to the government. In some cases, you may be eligible for a tax refund. However, in other cases, you may owe additional money. When this happens, you will be required to write a check or make another kind of payment to the IRS; your tax preparer will not usually draw money from your bank account directly.


    Banks are not generally involved in tax preparation. A tax preparer will not generally charge any money to you that will be paid to a bank, nor will she make payments on your behalf to a bank. Once you have received an estimate of the amount of money you're required to pay the IRS, you will be the one to contact your bank to arrange payment.


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