Wednesday, September 3, 2003

How to Handle Cash Shortages

Even with careful financial planning, you may experience times when you are short on cash. Unexpected medical expenses, car repairs, income reductions and travel expenses can all leave you wondering how you'll make ends meet. This can cause financial stress, which can compromise sleep, work productivity, desire for social interaction and personal health. When you experience a cash shortage, you can use several strategies to cover your expenses and prevent incurring debt to meet financial obligations.



    Reduce entertainment expenses by opting for a picnic at a local park instead of a trip to the movie theater or a day at an amusement park. City parks commonly offer free playground areas for children, as well as areas for softball, hiking, badminton, volleyball and tennis. Your family can enjoy a day of activity and food without the high prices of typical family attractions.


    Take digital images of unwanted items and upload them to auction templates on online auction sites. Items such as tools, household decor, clothes, collectibles, antiques and electronics can bring money quickly through online auctions to help you through a cash shortage.


    Start a service business such as pickup and delivery of groceries, computer troubleshooting and repair, landscaping, house cleaning or home repairs in your neighborhood to earn extra money. These businesses typically have few startup costs, and you can perform service tasks during evenings and weekends to accommodate your normal job schedule.


    Browse freelancing sites such as Guru, iFreelance and Elance to find freelance writing, web design, administrative, photography and coding gigs. These sites allow freelancers to submit bids on gigs, and in most cases, you can work with clients entirely online to avoid travel costs. Freelancing offers flexible scheduling, allowing you to make extra money to cover a cash shortage as your schedule permits.


    Cut commuting and other car travel costs by opting for public transportation instead of driving to work or to run errands. Choosing public transportation allows you to save fuel costs, and reduces the need for oil changes, tire purchases and repair expenses. In some cases, it may also allow you to eliminate parking and toll fees.


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