Sunday, April 15, 2007

How to Reduce Your Student Loan Payments

Reducing your student loan payments depends on a few factors like your credit score but the Obama administration recently made it easier to do so. Obama's plan will lower student loan payments to much lower than what you're paying now, depending on how much you make. Student debt consolidation and other steps can help you lower your payment and interest rates.



    If you have federal student loans, than Obama's plan will work for you. Even if you make really good money, you should still apply. The plan starts July 1st 2009 and can be taken advantage of with the government's website.


    If you have private loans, get a free credit report and check your credit score. If you have a better credit score than you did when you took the loans out, you might be able to refinance for less. Talk with your loan company about refinancing.


    Student loan debt consolidation might be for you. The student loan network can hook you up with a free consultation and can give you information which might help you. Debt consolidation takes all your debt and puts it into one financial institution. Student loans consolidation is out there, or you can consolidate all your debt.


    Stafford loans can be retired sometimes, depending on your job. Visit the website for more information. As much as 17 grand of your student loans can sometimes be wiped.


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