Friday, August 24, 2007

Quickest Way to Pay Off Debt

Quickest Way to Pay Off Debt

Getting out of debt can seem like an uphill battle. The stress and strain you face can be overwhelming and depressing. But it is possible to gain control of your finances. When the bills arrive in the mail, confront them and get busy with your plan to get out of debt. Here are some tips on the quickest way to pay off debt.

Cut Out All Unnecessary Expenses

    Don't eat out every weekend

    We all spend money on things we do not need, from trips to the movies to brand-name grocery items. Add up the cost of any weekend expenses you generate such as restaurant dinners and movies, fast food purchases made in the average month, and the amount you spend in an average month on clothing. Pay yourself that amount each month. You can break it down by the week if it is more manageable. Use this money each month to put toward your debt. Once you are out of debt, you can make weekend plans again on a monthly or semimonthly basis, but only if you can afford the splurge.

Pay Highest Interest Credit First

    Cut up those cards

    Take all of your credit cards and loans and list them on a spreadsheet with the balance, interest rates, and minimum payments. Take the highest interest card or loan, excluding any 15- or 30-year mortgage loans, and pay as much as you can (more than the minimum) on that account while paying the minimum on the remaining accounts. Continue paying this way until the highest interest rate account is paid off. Then move to the next highest interest rate account and pay the amount you were paying on that paid-off account along with the minimum payment you were previously paying. Keep this strategy going until all of the accounts are paid.

Sell Items And Work More

    Find additional money sources

    If you're wondering how you're going to be able to pay any additional amount toward your debt there are several ways to generate funds. You can sell your used, unwanted items through online auctions or through online or offline classified ads.
    If possible, try to get overtime at work or get a temporary part-time job until you pay off your debts.
    If you have a talent for fixing things, advertise your labor through online or offline classified ads. Get the word out to neighbors, friends, and relatives that you are looking for side work.
    Let neighbors and friends know you can babysit or petsit.
    Look through the wanted ads and see if someone wants to buy something you can sell.
    The ways to generate funds can be endless. Be sure to put this additional money toward your debt.


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