No credit card or loan company can guarantee you an instant approval if you already have high credit limits. If you need a way to get an automatic approval to help raise your credit score--even with a high credit limit---get a secured credit card. With a secured card, you give the company a deposit and they give you a card.
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Find a reputable credit card company that issues secured credit cards. Orchard Bank is one example. According to Bankrate, your own bank or credit union is a good place to start.
2Complete the pre-qualification form online. This form allows the company to determine what cards they can offer you before you officially apply. If you are pre-approved for the secured card, then you will have a guaranteed approval when you officially apply for the secured card. If want a card from your bank, you can visit the nearest branch and ask your bank representative to pre-approve your application. If you are pre-approved, you will get the card after you pay your deposit and fees.
3Complete the official credit application either online--after your pre-approval for the secured card--or at your local bank branch, if you are getting a card from your bank. Even if you receive a pre-approval, you still need to formally apply after your pre-approval.
4Select a credit limit. Choose an amount that lies between the company's set minimum and maximum. For example, Orchard Bank has a credit limit of between $200 and $15,000.
5Obtain the credit approval. Print it and send it to the company along with your deposit by check or money order. This amount will be equal to the credit limit that you selected for your card.
6Wait for your card and use it wisely once it arrives.