Thursday, May 21, 2009

What Should You Do If Someone Used Your Credit Card Number?

What Should You Do If Someone Used Your Credit Card Number?

As devastating as it is to think about, credit card fraud occurs all the time. There are two major ways your credit card account can be used fraudulently. The first is that your card is physically stolen. The other way is your credit card number can be stolen. This usually happens when you enter your number into an unsecure website. If you are the victim of credit card theft, there are some quick steps you should follow to protect your account from further activity.

Immediate Steps

    Call your credit card company immediately and tell them you want to immediately cut off use of your credit card. This number is found on your credit card account statements, as well as the paperwork they send you in the mail when you received your card. It is usually an 800 number.Calling immediately will prevent any other unauthorized uses of your credit card. Ask for a new card, and the company should send one out fairly quickly.

    Credit card companies vary, but most carry a policy that allows you to be covered in the case of theft. Some companies do not hold you reliable on fraudulent purchases made, while others hold you reliable on a certain percentage. If you are unaware of your company's policy, ask the representative while you are on the phone with her. This information can also be found in the paperwork the companies send out when you received your card.

Follow-Up and Future Prevention

    Look over each credit card statement to make sure you do not see any unauthorized purchases. If you do, call the credit card company back and give them notice. Checking your statement every month can protect you from racking up a lot of charges. The quicker you can catch it, the better.

    Protect your card and number. Never enter your card information into a site that is not secure. If you are making a payment online, look at the "http" in the address bar. There should be a letter "s" in this area: "https." This signifies the site is secure.


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