Guaranteed approval on credit cards is possible, with most credit card companies eager to add more customers to increase profits. Card companies have different requirements for various credit cards they offer, and few people are guaranteed approval for all types of cards. People seeking guaranteed approval must make sure their background qualifies them for the card. For example, a college student seeking a credit card normally reserved for people with high incomes is unlikely to receive guaranteed approval. However, the student may easily qualify for a card marketed to college students.
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Review your credit report and score. Obtain your credit report for free from the Annual Credit Report website (see Resources). The site is authorized by the Federal Trade Commission to offer free reports under the terms of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. View and print the report from the website. Follow instructions included with the report to order your credit score separately for a fee.
2Compare your credit score to accepted standards for credit. Credit scores are a thee-digit number ranging from 350 to 850, with scores of 720 or higher usually leading to guaranteed approval on credit cards and other forms of credit. Scores below 720 may qualify for guaranteed approval or may require a certain form of collateral for approval.
3Apply for a standard, bank-issued credit card such as a MasterCard or Visa if your credit score is above 720.
4Apply for a secured credit card for the easiest guaranteed approval if your credit score is significantly less than 720. Secured cards require a deposit into a savings account, which is held as collateral, making approval easy.
5Start the application process for a secured credit card by contacting banks and credit unions offering the cards. Find banks offering the cards by starting with your own bank or credit union and also visit other banks. Tell the bank representative you are seeking guaranteed approval on a secured credit card account and you are willing to make an immediate deposit into a savings account.
6Follow directions offered by the bank representative to open the savings account and receive guaranteed approval on the secured credit card.
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