Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How to Make Mortgage Payments Online

The world is quickly shifting into the electronic realm. In many ways, this is marked improvement. Paying bills online saves time, personal energy, money, gas and stress. There are two different ways that you can make online payments to your mortgage: either through your banking bill-pay program or to the lender directly on their website. Either option will work---though one may post faster to the account than the other---and it's a matter of personal preference.


Paying the Lender Directly


    Create an online account with your lender. This means accessing the lender's website and opening a profile. Be sure to enter all relevant information---account number, social security number, name, address---correctly and double-check numbers and spelling.


    Do not enter any personal information onto a website that does not begin with "https." This is the code for an encrypted website.


    Manage your account on the lender's website after creating the account. You'll have the option to pay with your debit card or with your account number and routing number. Many lenders will not accept credit card payments.

Paying With Your Bank


    Log on to your bank's website. Most large banks now have automated bill-pay programs. Click on the appropriate link to access this page.


    Ensure the website begins with the "https." Choose the option to add a new account on the bill pay page. Most banks will be able to verify a credit institution in 3 to 5 days.


    Enter all relevant information about your mortgage company---name, location, account number and monthly payment.


    Wait for a confirmation email from your bank. This email will let you know that the account has been successfully added to your bill pay page and you can now make direct debits from your account to the mortgage lender.


    Make payments from your bill-pay page. Verify the payments with your mortgage holder for the first few months---you want to make sure your payments are being posted accurately and in a timely fashion.


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