Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What Personal Information Does a Credit Report Contain?

What Personal Information Does a Credit Report Contain?

Credit reports contain a variety of information that credit grantors use to determine credit worthiness. Because of the personal information included in a credit report, care should be taken to ensure identity security.


    In addition to information given about your credit history and debt obligations, credit reports may also include your name, aliases or maiden name, date of birth, occupation, current and previous addresses and phone number.

Additional Information

    Credit reports also allow for a consumer statement in the personal information section. This statement can include any information you would want lenders to know about certain situations in your credit history. It gives you an opportunity to provide explanation for defaults, shared accounts or bankruptcies.


    Personal information is included on a credit report so lenders who view the credit report can verify your identity.This personal information is often compared to fields completed on an application for credit.


    Credit reports do not contain information about a person's driving record or criminal record, although complete background checks will include those items.


    The personal information listed on a credit report can be enough to enable identity theft if the report were to get into the wrong hands. Review your credit report on a regular basis to ensure that personal and credit information is accurate.


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