Monday, June 3, 2002

The Best Way to Pay Off Your Credit Card to Get Good Credit

Paying off your credit card over time while making regular payments could have a positive impact on your credit score. But it's impossible for anyone to say just how much your credit score will improve. Everyone's credit situation is different, and you might realize a greater improvement than the next person. However, MyFICO says 65 percent of your credit score is determined by two things: your payment history (35 percent) and how much you owe (30 percent).



    Pay at least the minimum payment on your credit card each month. Even one late payment can cause a good credit score to drop by more than 100 points, according to Bankrate. Your credit score might not fall as much if you are still building your score, but missing a payment certainly won't help. Also, a late payment will be noted on your credit report, and will remain there for seven years under the terms of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.


    Gradually pay down your credit card balance over several months---and preferably longer. It takes time to create a positive payment history. A good payment history over 12 to 24 months likely will have a greater impact on your credit score than an account that was opened and closed within 90 days.


    Contact your credit card company once you have paid off the account---if you intend to close it for good. If you do close the account, request that your credit report be updated to reflect that the account was closed at your request---and not because of some adverse action taken by the creditor.


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