Your credit is your financial lifeline and keeping your credit mistake-free is essential to maintaining a good credit score. Creditors sometimes make mistakes and you have to step up and take care of the mistake before it lowers your credit score. Even the credit reporting agencies such as Equifax can make mistakes by not entering in the information properly or by leaving out information on your credit report. You can dispute your credit report and generally have the mistakes fixed and removed from your credit report.
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Get a free copy of your credit report by going to the free annual credit report website.
2Look over the Equifax credit report and find the information errors in question and circle the errors.
3Go to the online Equifax dispute form ( and begin the online dispute application. You will need the 10-digit confirmation number found on your Equifax credit report to complete the online dispute form.
4Describe the information errors found on your Equifax credit report in detail and submit the online dispute form. You should be contacted by a Equifax representative within a couple of days, but it can take up to a week for a response.
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