Monday, January 28, 2008

How to Clean Up Your Credit Quickly

Making some key moves could help you quickly clean up your credit, but don't expect an instant makeover. The Federal Trade Commission reports that the passage of time is the best cure for past credit problems, and that no one can fix your credit overnight. While overnight success may not be possible, you can significantly improve your credit in about 30 to 60 days. That's roughly how long it takes for improvements in your credit to be updated on your credit report and to be reflected in your credit score.



    Get a copy of your credit report from Annual Credit Report--a website operated by major credit bureaus Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. The credit bureaus established the site to offer free credit reports as required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. You're entitled to three free reports every 12 months--one from each of the bureaus. View and print your report from the website (see Resources).


    Review your credit report for errors. Having wrong information removed from your report could result in a quick increase in your credit score. Write a letter to the credit bureau complaining about any errors. Mail the letter to the credit bureau at its address listed on the credit report. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires the bureaus to remove wrong information after receiving a complaint from you.


    Make payments to bring all open accounts showing as past due current. Also resolve any accounts sent to debt collection agencies. Contact the debt collector and offer to make payment in full in exchange for the item being deleted from your credit report.


    Review your credit report in about 60 days to track your progress.


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