Friday, December 6, 2002

How to Stop Credit Garnishments

Creditors have several tactics to recovering unpaid funds and one method involves getting a court order to garnish your wages. Wage garnishments refer to a employer holding a percentage of your earnings in order for a creditor to collect on an unpaid debt. But rather than lose a chunk of your money, you can stop a credit garnishment early.



    Voluntarily pay off the debt. Stop creditors from garnishing your wages by sending them a check or money order for the entire balance. Contact your creditor, mention your plan to pay off the balance in full and then keep a copy of the canceled check.


    Discuss your payment options. When full repayment isn't financially doable, ask your creditor to consider a monthly payment plan until the debt is paid. Review your finances to know how much you can afford to send before calling. Suggest a monthly payment, and ask creditors to halt garnishments upon receipt of your first monthly payment.


    Get payment agreements in writing. Do not send your first installment payment until the creditor mails confirmation of the agreement. Retain this copy and keep it in a safe place.


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