In a tight economy, many people have been forced to use credit cards to make payments on bills. When the credit runs out and the payments along with the credit card debt is still there, you may find that you need to get credit card debt help to find relief. There are programs and companies that can help. Finding the right one to help your situation can be tricky. Here are some tips on finding help with credit card debt.
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Call a credit counselor. They are not the actual company that handles debt, but they can counsel you to help give you the options available and which may be best for your situation.
2Visit an online website that gives credit counseling advice. You will need to have all of your credit card information along with balances due and payment amounts.
3Sign up for a debt consolidation. If you only have unsecured debt that is hindering you, the interest rate can be cut and you still make payments that go towards the principle. This will help keep your credit rating good enough to use it again.
4Take out a home equity line and pay off your credit card debt. This will only work if you destroy the cards and do not use them anymore. Do not cancel the cards since this can negatively affect your credit rating, but have self control and budget better.
5Check with an attorney or credit counselor and see if bankruptcy is your best bet. Since you can only do this one every 7 years, make sure you can not find any other option to get help for credit card debt.
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