Thursday, July 17, 2008

How to Answer a Summons for Debt

How to Answer a Summons for Debt

When you owe a debt that hasn't been repaid by the terms of your contract, it is possible that you'll be called to court via a summons for debt. This means the person you owe the debt to is suing you to recover the funds you owe. He can also sue you to recover legal fees he incurred trying to recover the debt. Before answering the summons for debt, you should consider your defense and decide how you want to respond to the charges against you.



    Take note of the date on the summons that indicates when you should respond. It is very important that you file your response before that date.


    Write a letter that begins with the court and case information, including the location of the courthouse, the name of the plaintiff, the name of the defendant and the case number.


    Write what you want to say in response to the charges. If you've already paid off the debt, indicate when it was satisfied and explain what proof you have. If it hasn't been paid off, request proof of the debt in your response. Explain that you will work hard to satisfy any debt against you and that you want to have the entire matter resolved as soon as possible.


    Bring your response letter to the courthouse where the charges were filed against you. Ask to file it as a response to the original suit.


    Contact the debtor and ask if the charges can be satisfied with a payment plan. Negotiate to have the charges dropped if you meet the requirements set forth to satisfy the debt.


  1. Once you receive a court summons,you need to check the information within the document so you’ll know what brought on the lawsuit. You can not just simply ignore them. This only adds more problem because you end up with the default judgment because you automatically waiver your right to defend your case against the summons for debt. It is important to respond within a reasonable time to make sure that the legal complaint filed against you is properly addressed in court and it's also important for the defendant to draft a legal response to summons. To know more on how to Answer a Summons, please visit:
